
Teleskope's deployment models fall into four categories: Single-Tenant SaaS, Teleskope Managed On Prem Deployment, Hybrid and Self-Managed Deployment

Single-Tenant SaaS

Our Single-Tenant SaaS model is fully managed and operated by Teleskope. Once you create an account, Teleskope spins up an isolated AWS account and deploys a dedicated Teleskope instance. Our architecture safeguards your data from being commingled or shared, and also allows any custom security and infrastructure configurations to be applied without added operational overhead or cost.

Teleskope Managed On-Prem

Our Teleskope Managed deployment model is fully governed and operated by Teleskope, but deployed within an isolated account or project within your organization. This ensures that you are the owner of the account, and that your data never leaves your environment, but without the operational overhead. Owning your infrastructure also allows more flexibility around platform performance, allowing you to easily increase or decrease instance types and throughput to achieve near real-time scanning.

Self Managed On-Prem

Teleskope can be deployed and operated on your own infrastructure. Contact Teleskope for deployment instructions specific to your cloud provider or custom configuration.

What’s Next

Reach out to [email protected] for details and guides specific to each deployment option.